
Fulfilling promise.

Leveling the playing field for at-promise students.


Our Mission

Support students and public schools in fulfilling their promise.

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What We Do

Engage students & keep them in school through a Social Emotional Learning course that combines basketball & culture.


Our Impact

Over the past two years, we've partnered with a Nonprofit organization (Elevate Lives) and an LA public school to test and refine our model. Here's some of what we've accomplished.




Across the Southeast LA region.


social emotional competency growth

We leverage a research-based pre and post survey assessment to monitor student’s growth.


6th grade program participant

“Since I'm very shy, the program has showed me to be more confident and even break out of my shell!”




partner - educator

Think your school can benefit from our work? Let’s chat.


get involved

We’re always in search of people passionate about making a difference in students’ lives.